Air National Guard Member Frankie Donovan Finds Work-Life Balance During Pandemic
Meet Frankie Donovan (D.C. '22)

Hometown: Hammonton, New Jersey
Undergrad degree: associate degree in practical nursing science, Rowan College and Community College of the Air Force
Frankie Donovan (D.C. ’22), president of her class, was deployed to Long Island shortly after COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic and just a few weeks before her final exams at Northeast College of Health Sciences.
An aerospace medical technician in the Air National Guard, Donovan quickly shifted from campus life to helping on the front lines, working in field hospitals caring for patients. Donovan, dressed head to toe in personal protective gear, swabbed up to 250 people each day to test for the coronavirus.
One of six children, Donovan will be the first doctor in her family (pending graduation) and said it wouldn't be possible without her family's strong support.
Quick Questions with Frankie Donovan
Dream job upon graduation:
"I want to work with the U.S. Department of Defense and active duty military," Frankie said. Dream location: South Carolina
How to find balance:
"For me, having a routine and having something to look forward to is a great way to balance. Also, maintaining a positive mindset. We all signed up for this and the end goal will be worth it," Frankie said. She turns to running and lifting heavy weights to blow off steam and find the mind, body connection.
Advice for first tri students:
"I struggled the most with too many opinions," Frankie said. "Go in and be confident with yourself. Make sure you are following your own goals and thoughts. What's hard for you may be easy to someone else. I was so scared of neurology because of what everyone said. But it was one of my best courses."