The Northeast College of Health Sciences Library supports academic excellence and professional best practices by acquiring and maintaining a well-balanced, up-to-date collection of media, print and electronic resources in support of College programs.

The library offers a dynamic environment for learning with group study rooms, quiet study areas, and the Commons, a student-centric area with comfortable seating and flexible workspace groupings promoting interaction and collaboration.

The Northeast community can access:

  • Demonstration videos of lectures and labs in chiropractic
  • Human anatomy and physiology models
  • Other media for use in and outside of the library

The library also maintains an archive of rare and out-of-print materials to provide historical background for further study.

Access to e-books, e-journals and online databases is provided through wireless and networked computers for research. The library staff provides in-person, online and telephone services including reference, circulation, interlibrary loan and instructional programs.

A person typing on a computer

Access the Northeast College Library Resources.

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday noon - 5 p.m.
Sunday noon - 9 p.m.

The library closes for U.S. holidays occurring when classes are in session: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving recess. In addition, the library closes when the campus closes (e.g., inclement weather).

Please complete library-related work 15 minutes before closing so the library staff may close the building.

Two public restrooms are located near room 111. Additional restrooms are located downstairs in the anatomy department.

Please be considerate of others and maintain quiet in the library. Extended conversation should be confined to the library Commons or the group study rooms. Cell phones should be used outside the library.

Food and drink
Food and drinks are permitted in the library. Please help us maintain a clean, pest-free lbrary by disposing of your trash in the proper receptacles.

Smoking/vaping is not permitted anywhere on campus.

Exit alarm
If you are leaving the library and the alarm sounds, all cases, bags, coats etc. must be searched by a library staff member. If requested, you must produce proper identification. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Signing out library materials
All materials must be signed out at least 15 minutes before the library closes. If items are not signed out in time, they will be held for you at the circulation desk until the next day when they may be signed out.

Do not leave personal items unattended. The library is not responsible for items left unattended. After 24 hours, items found in the library will be sent to Security.

A photocopier is available on the first floor for public use. The charge for copies is 10 cents per page. Please note that the copyright law (title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material; the person making the copies is liable for any infringement.

Visitor parking is available next to the Padgett Administration Building. All visitors must report to the Security Office, room L01 Administration Building and register as a campus visitor.

A small number of iPads are available to be checked out to those students who need to take tests in ExamSoft SofTest-M. They are available for a limited number of hours on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations will be accepted, and the availability of an iPad is not guaranteed. Overdue fines will be charged if the iPad and all accessories are not returned on time. Fees will be charged for repair or replacement if the iPad and/or accessories are returned damaged or are missing.

Study rooms
Study rooms are available to Northeast College of Health Sciences students for academic purposes. Rooms are signed out for a two (2)-hour time period on a first-come, first-served basis with no advance reservations. One renewal is permitted if all rooms are not full. During times of high demand, renewals are not allowed. White boards are erased regularly.

Rooms 112, 113, and 114 on the main floor are signed out at the main circulation desk to registered students and require a current Northeast College student ID to be left at the desk. Renewals for study rooms on the main floor must be made at the main circulation desk.

Classes or media use take precedence in media library study rooms 204, 205 and 206, otherwise they may also be used for general study purposes. Rooms 205 and 206 on the media floor are signed out at the media circulation desk to registered students and require a current Northeast College student ID to be left at the desk. Room 204 may be used by multiple groups when available. Renewals for study rooms in media must be made at the media circulation desk.

Do not leave personal items or library materials unattended in the rooms. The library is not responsible for items left unattended.

Library Commons
The library Commons, located in the center of the library, is a student-centric area with comfortable seating, coffee and snack vending machines, flexible workspace groupings to promote interaction and collaboration, five (5) computers and two large-screen TVs. The Commons is available for use when the library is open.

Online resources
Links to the Northeast College library's databases, journal subscriptions and online catalog may be found using LibGuides at or through your student portal while on campus. From any other location, log in to your student or faculty portal and click on LibGuides. Once you begin a search you will be asked to log in again for authentication purposes. This is the same login you use to access the Portals.

Journal articles
Journals may be found in online or print indexes by searching by subject, author, title, or keywords. Journal references, usually comprising the author, title and journal source, can then be used to find the entire article. Many full-text journal articles are available online through library subscriptions or sometimes free on the Internet. Online journal indexes are accessible through Publication Finder on LibGuides or from the library link in the student or faculty portal; click on "Browse by Journal Title."

Print journals
These journals are located on the main level of the library shelved in alphabetical order. Some print journals are held at the main library circulation desk.

Links to e-books are available through LibGuides by browsing the e-book databases or searching the Northeast College library catalog.

Print books are located on the main level of the library and shelved according to the Library of Congress classification system. The sign out period for books is two weeks, with two additional two-week renewals available unless there is a hold placed. There is a 15-cent per day overdue charge. Failure to receive notification of overdue items does not absolve a borrower of fines or replacement charges.

Interlibrary loan
Articles and books not held by the Northeast College library may be obtained from other libraries through interlibrary loan. Requests may take from a few hours to a week or longer to arrive, depending on the item requested. The library retains the right to limit the number of requests. Request forms are available at the main desk, or from the library link in your student or faculty portal. Those in the online programs may use interlibrary loan with some limitations. Online students, faculty, and staff may request articles or book chapters (one chapter per book). Because of national interlibrary loan policy restrictions and copyright laws, we are not able to order books through interlibrary loan for online students. Online users will use their local libraries for interlibrary loan services.

Copyright notice
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, US Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproduction of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

There are PCs in the main library and in the Commons with networked laser printers available during library hours for internet access and word processing.

Printing from the library computers utilizes the Go Print system; you must be a currently enrolled Northeast College student and have an account set up to print. Wireless printing is also available from your mobile device using the PrinterOn app.


  • Two-week sign out with a valid Northeast College ID card. A total of 10 may be signed out at one time but no more than five books per subject.
  • Two, 2-week renewal periods are allowed, unless reserved, subject to immediate recall due to research requirements or curriculum demands.
  • Failure to comply with a recall request may result in loss of borrowing privileges.
  • There is a 15-cent charge for each day a book is overdue.
  • Out-of-print replacement cost is the cost of an equivalent item.
  • All materials are due at the end of the trimester.
  • Failure to receive notification of overdue items does not absolve a borrower of fines or replacement charges.
  • Lost or damaged materials are billed for the replacement cost of the item, plus a $35 processing fee, plus overdue charges (if applicable).
  • Lost or damaged one-of-a-kind items are charged $200 per item, plus a $35 processing fee, plus overdue charges (if applicable).
  • The maximum fine will be charged if the material is returned before a replacement is purchased.
  • Failure to receive notification of overdue items does not absolve a borrower of fines or replacement charges.
  • No permanent loans are permitted, and all materials are due at trimester end.

Reserve materials

  • Reserve materials do not circulate outside the library.
  • Available at the main circulation desk with a valid Northeast College ID card. (two items, two-hour limit; leave ID at the desk while the reserve item is in use).
  • $10 fine for removing materials from the library without permission.

Reference materials

  • Print reference materials do not circulate outside the library.
  • Located in the hallway outside the reference librarian's office, room 111.


  • Print journals do not circulate outside the library.
  • Journal articles not available in the Northeast College library may be available through interlibrary loan.
  • Many journal titles with full text are available electronically; consult the library's online catalog.

Special collection materials

  • The Special Collection is located in room 112 on the first level of the library.
  • Special Collection materials may be used in the library only. Other restrictions may also apply.
  • Borrowing privileges will be suspended if there are overdue materials and/or unpaid fines. Unpaid fines are forwarded to the bursar's office

Some DVDs, VHS, audiocassettes, and CD-ROMs circulate outside the library. Please check the online catalog to determine the circulation status or ask the staff for assistance.

  • Overdue media fines are a dollar per day, per item with a $30 maximum fine per item. • Lost or damaged materials are billed for the replacement cost of the item, plus a $35 processing fee, plus overdue charges (if applicable).
  • Lost or damaged one-of-a-kind items are charged $200 per item, plus a $35 processing fee, plus overdue charges (if applicable).
  • The maximum fine will be charged if the material is returned before a replacement is purchased.
  • Failure to receive notification of overdue items does not absolve a borrower of fines or replacement charges.
  • No permanent loans are permitted, and all materials are due at trimester end.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended if there are overdue materials and/or unpaid fines. Unpaid fines are forwarded to the Student Accounts Office.

Students and staff at the various health center and clinic locations may continue to borrow materials from the Northeast College library, however, special consideration and restrictions may apply due to the health centers’ location. Health center students, faculty and staff should search the library using the LibGuides link in your student or faculty Portal.

Requests for material may be sent either by email, fax, mail or by using the LibGuides link in your student or faculty portal and clicking on the Library Request ILL Forms link. Telephone requests will only be accepted under special circumstances. Items are shipped from the main library to the health center office managers to be checked out to the requesting patron. All items should be returned to the office manager, who will then return them to the main campus library.

Requests for books and other print materials from alumni and those who are not currently registered students, faculty or staff at Northeast must be made via interlibrary loan through the requester’s local library. Interlibrary loan is transacted only from library to library. There is no guarantee that the materials requested will come from the Northeast library. Media materials may not be borrowed. The Northeast College library will accept article requests from international libraries, however, we are only able to fill requests for books from libraries located in the United States.

Contact Us
Northeast College of Health Sciences Library
Library, Northeast College of Health Sciences
2360 State Rte. 89
Seneca Falls, N.Y. 13148